The day doesn’t fall, we shove it
Over the hills and far gun shots
Scream; the street cries
Blood streams from bags of lies
More fall to their knees in prayer mode
(Brown nosing always sells) by the time
The cops come we’ve stripped the bodies
Of cash keys shoes phones
Spiritual things we respect
In this hood; tradition flowers
On all four corners of the crosses we wear
Bouquets of jacked justification
"To smell the next crash
You have to live" we sneer
At battered wives "why don't you leave?"
So why don't we, homie?
Certainly a matter for concern. We'll just have to wait and see.
Posted by: Labi Siffre | 24 April 2012 at 00:59
I see that Zimmerman has been released on bail. Labi, do you think he's a flight risk? My understanding is that the bail amount was so low his father, a retired judge, could easily pay it. If Zimmerman runs off, riots are going to break out in Sanford, FL and beyond.
Posted by: Robin | 24 April 2012 at 00:40
Hey Guys
My sister sent me a link to 'Something inside'...I am going through the family court process and cannot afford legal representation. I am being prevented from seeing and speaking to my son (10) because of foul and terrible lies told by my ex - that he has not had to prove and that are (obviously) untrue. The pain of being seperated has been so unbearable. I want Mr Siffre to know that his song has given me the strength to fight for my son , against the clever lawyears etc. Please say a prayer for me, and for my son Orson and that truth and justice will prevail for us. Thank you for your light Mr Siffre.
Posted by: Katherine Summers | 22 April 2012 at 03:15
Robin, yes indeed,
The state of FL legislature & law enforcement have dug themselves into a pit of problems over the Trayvon Martin affair/disaster/travesty/tragedy.
Saving face will be their priority. How that will affect justice in the case is to be seen.
Posted by: Labi Siffre | 30 March 2012 at 15:42
I wish this message could be spread in every 'hood' around. And another thing: it's tragic and unjustified that Trayvon Martin died. What saddens me more is that it seems to me Martin's death is turning into a media circus. I would rather see the large crowds gathered in hoodies helping Trayvon's family get a better lawyer/lawyers, or petitioning the state of FL legislature to repeal the 'Stand Your Ground' Act.
Posted by: Robin | 30 March 2012 at 02:25