When folk declare they're compassionate
Claim to believe
In openness and honesty
I distrust them, immediately
Am I compassionate? I don’t know
I don’t trust myself either;
Neither do I know I'm sincere
Till twenty years on, under fire, I find
I’ve stuck to my guns
(Though history makes it clear
Being sincere
Doesn’t mean I’m right)
In a world where parents, with passion say
“If I found my son was gay I’d kill him”
And they do
And discovering their daughter
In love with a man of another faith
They feel
Justified killing her, righteous
And we’re all, all of us, compassionate, decent,
Ordinary, hard working
Men and women
And we’re all, all of us, intelligent and do
The best we can, the best tin can
From ashes to ashes
From dust to dust
And I don’t trust any of us
Saddened to read this ...
Posted by: Steve | 30 November 2017 at 22:19