When government says it’s a problem: it’s serious.
When they say it’s serious: it’s an emergency.
When they say it’s an emergency: Put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye.
In my lifetime I’ve never heard a PM tell us to expect some of our loved one’s to die. This PM, B.Johnson, is a serial liar and an arsehole but clearly his scientific and medical advisors have impressed upon him the need (at least for his own legacy reputation) to be able to say “I warned you”. The government is advised to expect over a million deaths. I repeat, over a million deaths.
People can call that over-reaction if they wish. But we’ve been told.
Exactly! That's what I'd like to know!
Posted by: Robin | 12 May 2020 at 19:00
I’ve been enjoying reading your post. The people I truly feel for are those on the front line.
Repeatedly we’re told by government we’re in a war. What army general send his troops into a battle ill equipped, and what general does not know the numbers of his troops (19??)
Posted by: Pete Kwesi Johnson | 11 April 2020 at 18:01