Atheism is not “merely the absence of belief”
It is a positive affirmation that
Facts and Evidence exist
And Evidence should take precedence over Belief
(An attitude an innocent person
On trial in a court of law
Would agree with
As would an uncorrupted judge
In pursuit of justice).
I have listened to you since 1978 and enjoyed your perspective. I like that you have not given up speaking out against the many injustices in our world today. Bravo to you Labi.
Posted by: Julie Sanders | 16 August 2020 at 09:35
I could start this by saying "your atheism interests me..." But that would be a lie. The truth being, your unapologetic declaration of atheism pleases me because in this new world of ubiquitous "Hallelujah!" liner notes, it's refreshing to see some individualism and downright honesty! But then, when hasn't Labi been honest?
Posted by: Bryan | 23 July 2020 at 15:50
Not sure if my last comment went through but I really appreciate your work!
Posted by: Jess C | 21 July 2020 at 09:41
You are so insightful, I love the way you word such important points. I grew up catholic and now am an Atheist .
Thank you for sharing.
Your massive fan, Jess
Posted by: Jess C | 21 July 2020 at 09:39