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20 September 2020


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My thoughts exactly, except so much more eloquently than I ever could write.

Thank you.

I have no problem with being 'woke' but sadly those of us that are, simply can not wake the many that that spend their lives as though they are in a permanent coma.
Sleeping beauties, othat are ugly on the inside.

Labi Siffre, you are amazing. You inspire me. I only knew a couple of your songs and I've just watched your BBC documentary and it made me cry.

Keep writing.

From a fellow gay (lesbian) atheist.

Political correctness has been a topic my friends and I have discussed extensively. In the USA, people throw around the term a lot, whether because they like what it originally meant, or to mock it. I think this poem encapsulates this phrase perfectly, and makes a prediction on the word "woke" as well. Thank you for your short but sweet poem, Mr. Siffre. I'd love a poem one day on your thoughts on what's happening in the USA, or rather, how the UK views the events in the USA. Worldview is fascinating to me!

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