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23 January 2022


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Dear Labi Siffre, Both your Guardian interview and being Yentobbed on TV last week moved me - much more than I expect to be moved at my (cynical) age! I'm sure you've had loads of positive feedback, but here's more because no-one ever had enough good feedback......
I remember you from TOTP in the 1970s. Earlier this century I read that you were gay, and presumed that must be why you disappeared from view. But the interview and doc put me right on that. It's still a big deal to see gay men living their lives with integrity, and any celeb who is as honest as you creates more goodness than you know. I will try and say it simply: you just came across as possibly the nicest pop star that has ever lived! And a beautiful man. There is a wonderful strength in living your life so honestly. What a nice guy you are xx

So excited to see Imagine BBC programme tomorrow dear Labi. Such fun memories of us laughing together. Those were the music days. I think of you often - and Mike too. Be happy. Best love Petronella,

Hi Labi,

Your interview in The Guardian made me cry and I just wanted to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU.


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