(UK Foreign Sec J Hunt BBC Radio4 the “Today” program 15/4/19).
That "but" is appropriate if you are attempting to conceal "The Brexit Dividend” the effect of reduced national wealth that Brexit will bring to those British People already not wealthy, to the NHS, social care, policing, the price of affordable justice, schools, security and adequately paid jobs.
Don't be fooled by promises of how easy it will be, how optimism will overcome all problems. This is real life not an uplifting heart-warming movie. Brexit means 2008 financial crash austerity will be followed by Brexit austerity.
Except for our competitors and enemies (Putin’s Russia, China and the circling vultures of Donald Trump’s USA) nations pursuing global economic stability want the UK to “Remain". Our enemies and competitors realise that when no longer a member of the EU (the world's largest Trading Bloc) the UK will be weaker. We will certainly be at the mercy of and much easier prey for US demands to lower our standards and economic defences in any “Free” Trade Deal negotiation. On top of that we'll be more vulnerable to demands for access from China, Saudi-Arabia and India in exchange for what our government of the day will describe as … "favourable deals" ... (favourable to who?).
Brexit will also weaken the EU and Western Europe, again making Russia and China and the USA stronger, again making us weaker in influence and economically. Brexit is in the best interests of our competitors and enemies. Collectively, the UK made an EU referendum mistake. The fault will be our collective lack of courage to admit that mistake and collectively rectify that error.
Don't be fooled by promises of how we will win and survive as we won and survived the second world war. Our parents and grandparents won WW2 as part of a multi-nation, multi-culture, multi-ethnic, multi-colour, multi-language enterprise. We wisely subsumed our individual sovereignties into a force able to endure setbacks and achieve victory. No one did it alone. No one does it alone. Then as now it is vital to realise we're better together.
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